Images and text © Linda Dawn Hammond 1990 / 2015.

The Aftermath- (NO) Trials and Tribulations

The 47 Love-In protesters facing charges were railroaded by our lawyers 1 year later into pleading guilty, in return for reduced sentences- the dropping of the 3 criminal charges in favour of municipal charges. My lawyer personally threatened me the day before our plea was entered, saying that if I still intended to plead Not Guilty, he would drop me right then and there as a client. He informed me that he had managed to convince all but three of us to comply- and these were my only witnesses, all of whom intended to enter court and plead guilty to the very same charges I was claiming to be innocent of. We each ended up paying fines of several hundred dollars. The police never answered to allegations of removing their identification badges or the violent attack.

Festin/Feast Exhibit 1998/99, Ottawa

Serve and Protect- The Plates ©Linda Dawn Hammond 1999


Serve and Protect- Placemat ©Linda Dawn Hammond 1999


Serve and Protect- Running Plate ©Linda Dawn Hammond 1999


Serve and Protect- Bum Plate ©Linda Dawn Hammond 1999


The photographs were published in several magazines and newspapers, and appeared in exhibitions. When the 10th anniversary came around in 2000, I decided to show the series with another 10th anniversary event I'd photographed- OKA. I opted to show in a cafe as it was too late to apply to a proper gallery in time for the anniversary, and I thought that in the past it had served me well to exhibit in places more accessible to the average person. I never expected that 10 years after the turmoil of Sexgarage, the photos themselves would be subject to an attack in a Montreal vegan cafe of all places.

(Defaced at Les Vivres cafe) Cyrus with Latex Glove ©Linda Dawn Hammond 1990

Click on large potato for the report on the homophobic attack on the Sexgarage show at Les Vivres!

(Defaced at Les Vivres cafe)


Montreal Gazette (Montreal), Sex Garage Raid a Turning Point in Montreal's LGBT Activism by Richard Burnett, June 27, 2015, Review, Photos

La Presse (Montreal), UN POINT TOURNANT POUR LA COMMUNAUTE LGBT July 16, 2015, Review, Photos

Fierte Montreal 2015 (Montreal), 25th Anniversary of Sexgarage. Uncensored Exhibition: The Photos You Weren't Meant To See
Exhibit by Photographer Linda Dawn Hammond, Guest of Honour 2015 Fierte.
August 12-16, 2015, Place Emilie-Gamelin (corner Sainte-Catherine and Saint-Hubert), Montreal

Parallélogramme (Toronto), Theory That Makes You Spasm, Author: Ki Namasté, Vol 20, #3, 1994, p.56-63

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